Friday, January 23, 2015

Why Seek the Living Among the (Walking) Dead?

Now in its fifth season, The Walking Dead has become a cult phenomenon. Millions of people are looking forward to the new season that begins in early February. It is amazing, how many people set aside one hour every Sunday to watch this very un-scriptural TV program, but find it way too hard to set aside one hour for God. 

From a Christian perspective, it is not really wholesome entertainment. I find it amazing, people will talk about this program, share about this program, and make certain they don't miss the next episode. It is almost like their Sunday's revolve around a science fiction TV program.

If people that truly live for this program would put even 10% of the same effort into setting one hour on Sunday apart for God, what a different world this would be! If the same people spent 1% of the time they talk about the Walking Dead, and instead, talked about the one that gives us eternal life, what a change they would find in their lives, and in the lives of others they reach for our Lord.

On that first Easter morning, when the women arrived at the tomb of Jesus, an angel greeted them with these words. "Why seek the living among the dead?" We are truly living in an age where God is marking foreheads. He is separating His sheep from the goats. Where do you choose to be? With the walking dead? Or walking in the light of God's Word?

It is time that those that call themselves Christians, to begin to act like Christians in everything they say and do, and sincerely mean it from the depths of their heart. If you agree with this premise, share this with your friends.

Solo Deo Gloria!
To God alone be the glory!

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